Sunday, February 22, 2009

First Salvo

Call this an Exposé, a rebuttal, a calling-out of a pompous ass.

Who is this self-proclaimed "Bon Vivant and Raconteur", this nutcase who is a member of the revisionist League of the South (

Why, it is that laughable clown Robert Stacy McCain, another blogger on this site.

This has all been written before...McCain is an idealogue with an inflated ego who belongs to a group of Southerners who are still angry about losing the Civil War. Get over it Bobby, you lost, move on.

If you need an example of why the GOP lost so badly in the last election, look no further than the marginalization of Southern whites like McCain, the very ones who, as President Obama declared during his historic campaign, "cling to their guns and Bibles". Karl Rove did his job well by bringing in the blue-collar Southerners who used to form the core of the Democratic Party's southern base. Unfortunately for Rove and the rest of the Neocon crowd, this is all they have left.

See "Little Men", from the Southern Poverty Law Center, for a detailed description of McCain and his ilk.

I leave you, dear reader, with a quote from Eric Foner, a Columbia University history professor and author of Reconstruction: America's Unfinished Revolution, who wrote: "I consider them cranks. Their views on the Civil War era, Reconstruction and slavery are not in tune with modern scholarship. They live in their own little world with their own little ideas."